Fresno’s Next Generation of News Talk
Over 62,000 weekly listeners. Syndicated personalities include Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and George Noory. Local personalities include Trevor Carey and Larry Powell. KALZ is the leader in Farm news with the Ag Life daily reports.
The personalities on PowerTalk explain the issues of the day and provide an opportunity for listeners to participate in the discussion. There’s no station that is more engaged in national, regional and local topics than PowerTalk. Listeners range from the affluent, white collar executives and business owners to the blue collar workforce. Our listeners are actively engaged with what is happening around them and come to PowerTalk for information. The PowerTalk listener is a powerful economic force in our community.
- Call Letters: KALZ
- Format: NEWSTALK
- Dial Position : 96.7 FM
- Brand: Power Talk 96.7
- Target Listener: Adults 25-54